We are fortunate to have before and after school care on site at Leyland Methodist Schools. Care At Leyland Methodist Schools (CALMS) operate from the school halls and are open from the hours of 8am until 8:45/8.50am in the morning and from 3:15pm/3.20pm until 6pm in the afternoon. CALMS is OFSTED approved and also accepts all childcare vouchers. Please note that places are limited and parents/carers are advised to submit requests as soon as possible.
AM - £4.00 per child
PM - £8.50 1st child and £5.50 per additional child
For more information please contact Anita Webster CALMS Manager by telephoning 07895 762520 or emailing management.calms@gmail.com
For change of Pick up / Drop off information please call the supervisors directly on:
Infants Supervisor: Mrs Bradshaw 07935 737469
Juniors Supervisor: Mrs Buckley 07907 013450
CALMS Before and After School Club
Leyland Methodist Schools
Canberra Road
PR25 3ET
Within God’s love for everyone, Our school family is committed to serve by:
- celebrating everyone’s unique God-given talents;
- giving the best of ourselves for all the world;
- doing all the good we can together.