Welcome to Leyland Methodist Schools!
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Leyland Methodist SchoolsA Federation of Leyland Methodist Infant and Junior Schools


Oak - Mrs Piggin

Oak Class Worship

Thank you to all those parents who were able to attend our worship this morning - the children were FABULOUS! And for those of you that were unable to make it, here are a few pictures to give you a flavour of our morning.

Oak Class Worship

Summer is here!


Class Teacher: Mrs. Piggin

Support Staff: Miss Kearsley


To help keep you up to date with everything that is happening this half term, take a look at our latest newsletter!



Newsletter - Summer 2

What a fabulous start we have had to the final half term. We have made a great start on our English unit - have mapped out the story of The Three Bears and we are now getting ready to write our own versions.


In History, we have learned about Christopher Columbus and his journeys across the Atlantic Ocean - thinking carefully about whether he was a hero or a villain.


The highlight so far though, has got to be our trip to Rock and River! We had SOOOOOOO much fun canoeing, den building, shooting arrows and exploring the surrounding natural environment. We had a fantastic, fun, full day of learning...check out the pictures!


As you can see, in Geography we are learning about a different locality. We will be exploring Africa and the Maasai Mara tribes that live there.

In Science, we are learning about everyday materials. Our Resident Scientist for the half term is John McAdam, who helped to improve the road system by using natural materials.

Spring 2

It’s Science Week! Let’s explore camouflage!

World Book Day fun!

RE - looking for signs of Spring and new life

RE - we looked at life cycles and new ways to represent them

Spring Timetable Oak Class

This term in Science, we will be learning all about animals including humans. We will learn how different animals are grouped into mammals, fish, birds, reptiles and amphibians and will explore the characteristics of each group. To support this unit, Chester Zoo will be visiting our school to run a special outreach workshop which we are very excited about! 

Science Knowledge Mat

Science - exploring inventors and scientists

We have been learning about the Danish inventor Ole Kirk Kristiansen who invented Lego. We have great fun exploring the properties of the plastic bricks then inventing our own Lego designs.

Today we became meteorologists and made rain gauges to observe and record the rainfall in Leyland over time!

Safer Internet Day 2024

Mindfulness and Yoga session - we are very calm now

Spring PE - time for tennis!

PE days this term will be:

 Monday and Friday


Can I ask that all children come to school in their PE kits on those days and  - no jewellery please!



Autumn Term

Come and take a look at our learning in the Autumn Term. We learned all about Plants in Science, thinking about the different types of wild and garden plants that can be found in the UK as well as exploring deciduous and evergreen trees. The knowledge mat for the unit can be found below.

Knowledge Mat

During the Autumn Term in RE we have been learning about the Christmas Story and why it is such good news! Here the children are exploring the moment that Angel Gabriel visited Mary.

During the Autumn term in DT, we will be developing our cutting and sewing skills through evaluating, designing and creating our own bunting and in History, we will be learning about how life has changed in Leyland through researching local transport, buildings, employment and education. We will be going out and about to see for ourselves what fascinating history Leyland has to offer! Everything you need to know to support your child's learning in these topics, can be found in the knowledge mats below.

Science - Plants

History - exploring changes in school life from the PAST to the PRESENT.

Developing DT skills: making templates and using these to create a final product. Next step...decorating!

History Knowledge Mat



Please see below the slides from our recent Meet the Teacher Evening. For anyone that missed it, you will find all of the information you need about Oak Class and what your child can expect this year.


If you have any further questions, please contact me via Dojo or email

Meet the Teacher PowerPoint slides

Our Ethos and Values Statement

Within God’s love for everyone, Our school family is committed to serve by:

- celebrating everyone’s unique God-given talents;

- giving the best of ourselves for all the world;

- doing all the good we can together.

  • Love
  • Serve
  • Celebrate
  • Together