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Leyland Methodist SchoolsA Federation of Leyland Methodist Infant and Junior Schools


Useful Revision Websites

Maths and English Practise

IXL have separate pages of skills linked to individual Year group.  The Y6 page has links to practise both English and Maths skills.  Pages are then split into skills of which has a practise question for the children to think about.


BBC Education have produced a whole host of materials for KS2.  Follow the KS2 link and then select either Maths or English.   Each area usually has an information section for reading, plus an activity and then quiz which is marked online.  Some aspects require a subscription.


This website has practice papers for the arithmetic SATs Test (with answers).

Arithmetic -



A site with both Maths and English based quizzes which are marked as you go along.


A site with a range of information and questions – great for revision purposes!


A site with links to Maths and English revision materials, including worksheets to look at online or to print off and practise with.


Click on “For Kids” to access some fun games to practise speed of recall of times tables.


This site has a range of Maths games which help to practise a range of skills.


Maths games based on a range of Mathematical concepts.


A range of English games and activities.


Activities to reinforce and practise a range of spelling rules.


A range of activities and games to practise a range of spelling rules and patterns.

Our Ethos and Values Statement

Within God’s love for everyone, Our school family is committed to serve by:

- celebrating everyone’s unique God-given talents;

- giving the best of ourselves for all the world;

- doing all the good we can together.

  • Love
  • Serve
  • Celebrate
  • Together