Welcome Whitebeam Class of 2022!
Welcome to Spring 1 in Year 6!
Happy New Year and welcome back to a new half term filled with lots more exciting activities. We will continue our preparations towards having our children SATS ready and will soon begin sharing with you some suitable resources to help support the children at home.
In English we are going to be starting with a debate unit to consoladate our prior learning in history where the children will pose arguments to answer - was Henry VIII a good king?
Following this we will move on to a fictional unit full of creativity with a strong focus on personification, style and effect. towards the end of the half term we will complete a non-fiction unit based on instructional writing.
In Maths we will begin with a sort unit on converting units of measure, followed by Ratio and Algebra
Geography- Our World
D.T- Food technology
Computing- Variables in games
Science- Evolution and Inheritance
Music- Happy
Spanish – At school
PSHE: Living in the wider world
R.E: Eucharist and Exodus
Important information:
PE is on Thursdays and Fridays(Please can children wear their full PE kit to school)
Homework will be sent home on a Tuesday (to be completed by the following Monday);
Spelling tests will be the following Monday.
If you need to contact us please don't hesitate to send an email to either c.moat@lmjs.lancs.sch.uk or m.baker@lmjs.lancs.sch.uk. Alternatively, send a message via our Class Dojo page.
Mrs Moat & Miss Baker
Within God’s love for everyone, Our school family is committed to serve by:
- celebrating everyone’s unique God-given talents;
- giving the best of ourselves for all the world;
- doing all the good we can together.