Welcome to Leyland Methodist Schools!
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Leyland Methodist SchoolsA Federation of Leyland Methodist Infant and Junior Schools


Hazel - Mr Parker and Mrs Bamber




Welcome to Summer 2!

Teaching Staff: Mr Parker and Mrs Bamber

Support Staff: Mrs Westland


Hello! We hope you had a wonderful, relaxing half term ready for the last few weeks of Year 4! We have a very action packed final half term including: the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC), Sports Day, Summer Fair and many more fun activities!


In Summer 2, our British Value focus this half term will be 'Respect- Embracing Religious Diversity'. To encompass this theme, we will be studying 'Early Islamic Civilisation' in History, with a study of the history of Baghdad.


In addition to this, we also have an array of exciting topics covered in other subjects:


▪ English – We will be exploring a variety of genres, including Short Stories (Balaclava Boy) and Recipes (Making Pizzas)

▪ Maths- Multiplication and Division, Area, Fractions, 2-D and 3-D Shapes, Statistics, Place Value

▪ Design and Technology – Edible Garden                                                                           

▪ Spanish – In the Classroom

▪ Computing – Data and Information

▪ RE- Prayer


PE days this term will be:

Tuesday (Swimming) and Thursday (Indoor)

 *Please make sure that your child comes to school wearing their PE kit on their designated PE days and can we please ask that no jewellery is worn.*


Key Events

4th-14th June – Year 4 Multiplication Checks

5th June – Book Fair

21st June – PE Festival

28th June – Y3/Y4 Sports Day (09:30-11:00)

28th June – Summer Fair


If you have any questions, please contact us via Dojo or email


Thank you, and we look forward to an exciting term ahead!

Mr Parker and Mrs Bamber

Anglo-Saxon Day, Tatton Park, May 2024

Trip to Liverpool, Mar 2024

Number Day, Feb 2024

Christmas, Dec 2023

Mad Science Assembly- Dec 2023

Science- Sound Unit- Nov 2023

Trip to the Eco Centre, Southport- Oct 2023

English- Cracking Contraptions Unit- October 2023

Our Ethos and Values Statement

Within God’s love for everyone, Our school family is committed to serve by:

- celebrating everyone’s unique God-given talents;

- giving the best of ourselves for all the world;

- doing all the good we can together.

  • Love
  • Serve
  • Celebrate
  • Together