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Leyland Methodist SchoolsA Federation of Leyland Methodist Infant and Junior Schools


Our Learning

Summer 1 

Week 4 Learning


What a fabulous day we had celebrating the Coronation of King Charles. Throughout the week we learnt what it meant to be coronated, who Charles is, and all about Queen Elizabeth. On Friday we had a "street party"  on the field with KS1 and KS1, followed by a  Royal Tea Party in the sunshine. The children were very excited to bring adults from home to the Tea Party and were able to show off their crowns, bunting and decorations that they had made. 

Summer 1

Week 3 Learning


With the Coronation coming up, the children were intrigued by the features of different churches across the UK, as they couldn't believe the size of Westminster Abbey. In our Reflection Area, the children recreated their favourite feature of a church, and many children made stained glass windows. 


In Maths we have been revisiting fractions, and in English we have been writing a recount of our trip to the farm.

Summer 1

Week 2 Learning


Swish... the Queen's Hat has blown off her head again! This time, she has not lost it on Big Ben or the London Eye, but in Worden Park and Big Tesco. The children have really immersed themselves in the challenge of innovating the story with key features of Leyland, and have taken it upon themselves to retell the story in various ways, whether that be in small world, storywood or even on the sound station!

Summer 1

Week 1 Learning


This week we have been learning all about the town that we live in, with a focus on the main places - including some of our favourites! Our Talking Tree within provision is now full of pictures of the children's favourite places in Leyland, and we have loved hearing about their experiences there.


In Maths we have been focusing on counting, comparing and ordering to 20. In English we are very excited to have started our new text, The Queen's Hat.

Spring 2

Week 5 Learning


Here comes the sun! This week we went on a Signs of Spring walk to enhance our learning on seasonal change. We spotted the changes in weather, trees, plants and listened for signs of baby animals.

Spring 2

Week 4 Learning


This week we read the story of the Messy Magpie, which helps children to discuss why litter is bad for the environment. On our following visit to Forest School, we took some litter pickers and enjoyed picking up the litter to keep our learning area clean and safe. 

Spring 2

Week 3 Learning


"Spontaneity is the best kind of adventure."
This week, we had a very unexpected snowfall and the children were desperate to go and explore the snow before it melted. So we pulled on our wellies and went onto the field ready for a morning of teamwork building snowmen, discussing what causes snow to melt and we ended our time with a snowball fight that Miss Jones and Miss Maguire definitely lost. We often find in EYFS that the best learning comes from those little unexpected moments. 

Spring 2

Week 2 Learning


This week we celebrated World Book Day, with our theme for the day being 'Traditional Tales.' We created different activities in our continuous provision to link to different tales. The children really enjoyed exploring their learning and strengthening their love for reading as we revisited the stories that we read in our first term of school. 

Spring 2

Week 1 Learning


In our first week back, we have been learning all about Lent and how Pancake Day began. We've had lots of fun learning about and celebrating Shrove Tuesday this week. We made and decorated playdoh pancakes, had pancake flipping races, turned our role play area into a pancake café and even had pancakes and ice cream for dessert at dinner time! 

Spring 1

Week 5 Learning


In EYFS, we are always looking at creative ways and fun ways to build the children's gross motor skills. Gross motor skills are the skills that children develop using their whole body and help them to become increasingly confident, agile and flexible. During our Forest School session today, the children followed the activity trail around the junior field and crawled through the tunnels, balanced on the climbing frame and took turns rolling down the muddy hill. 

Spring 1

Week 4 Learning


We have had lots of fun exploring our learning on Thursday as we focused on the celebration of Chinese New Year.

We practiced our fine motor skills by using chop sticks, created Chinese Dragon masks by junk modelling, made flower tea in the mud kitchen, danced to traditional Chinese music, and much more!

During our learning about the celebration the children showed a particular interest in Chinese Lanterns and worked together to create their own using card and scissors. We have thoroughly enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year and look forward to talking to those at home about it! ๐ŸŒŸ

Spring 1

Week 3 Learning


We have had a little change around of our environment in EYFS! Last week our school has seen the launch of a new PSHE programme called My Happy Mind. This programme has significant research behind it to improve positive impact on children's mental health and well being. Our team have set up a small learning area for the children where they can access their learning from happy minds and use the strategies that we teach to achieve a calm and happy mindset. 

We have also updated the EYFS Unit Reflection Area, where children can reflect on our Christian Values and explore their spirituality either individually or with friends in a calming and welcoming space. We are really looking forward to seeing how our little people approach and explore their learning in these new and improved areas!


Spring 1

Week 2 Learning


What a busy week we have had! On Monday morning we were greeted with CCTV footage of two mysterious men coming out of Miss Maguire's door and running behind the Mud Kitchen Shed!


After some investigation work we realised that they were Lanky Len and Hefty Hugh, from What The Ladybird Heard, and they had stolen our "tidy up bell"! The children then decided that they wanted to set up traps in case they came back, put wanted posters around provision, wrote letters, and some children even junk-modelled a "fine prize cow" to encourage the men to stop stealing. At the end of the week we received a letter from the Police telling us that they had caught the men and that they would like to come in to apologise to us. What an eventful few days!

Spring 1

Week 1 Learning


As our new term has begun so has a new exploration of our learning. This week Miss Jones and Miss Maguire bought some special treats for snack time but forgot where they put them. ๐Ÿ˜ฒ We made a map of the outdoor area and marked off the places that we thought we may have left the biscuits. We have really enjoyed exploring our learning about what a map is and how to use one.


In Maths this week we have been focusing on the composition of 10, and have been rewinding on our learning to help us explore this further. In Literacy we have begun reading What The Ladybird Heard and have had a focus on rhyming words.

Autumn 2

Week 6 & 7 Learning


Wow! What a busy last few weeks of term we have had. We have been looking at how Christmas is celebrated around the world and in the UK. As a part of this learning we had a very special visitor tell us about his life in Lapland. I wonder if you can guess who it was? (Ho, ho, ho)


We are incredibly proud of our little people and their fantastic performance in The Big Little Nativity. If you were unable to attend this please check Dojo for the private video link.


We hope that you all have a lovely, restful Christmas Break and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year.

Autumn 2

Week 5 Learning


Brrrr! We have noticed that it has started to get a lot colder very quickly! This week felt like the most appropriate time to look at the transition from Autumn to Winter. In one child's words "it was too slippy to go on our daily run because Jack Frost had been out" - so we decided to go on a Winter Walk around our grounds instead. We spoke about what we could see, smell, taste, hear and touch as we walked around looking at signs of Winter.


This week in Maths we have been learning about repeating patterns, and we even made our own (edible) repeating patterns in our Teacher Led Groups. In Literacy we have read the Jolly Christmas Postman.

Autumn 2

Week 4 Learning


This week we have been looking at festivities all around the world. We began by looking at England and what traditions happen during the festive period of December. During RE we learnt about the celebration of Christingle, and even had a go at making our own! We then learnt about the celebration of Thanksgiving and really enjoyed watching the Macy's Day Parade, so much so that we painted the floats that we recognized - there were lot's of spongebob and paw patrol!


In Maths this week we have been learning about 2D shapes and in Literacy we have read The Jolly Postman.

Autumn 2

Week 3 Learning


This week we have been continued our prior learning to look at Autumn! We have rewound on our learning to our Autumn Walk last half term to discuss how Autumn looks as we get closer to Winter. We have read our first non-fiction book Let's Look at Autumn and had a go at making a contrasting book, as a class, Let's Look at Winter!


In Maths this week we have been exploring the Number 10. We have been using our reasoning skills to find lots of different representations of 10 within our provision when we became Number Detectives. Some of us also looked at how we can make 10 using two different groups!

Autumn 2

Week 2 Learning


This week we have been learning about the importance of Remembrance Day.


As part of our Expressive Arts and Design we have created watercolour paintings of Flander’s Field. We have also created 3 poppy wreaths, made up of individual poppies that each child has made. Today we walked to the front of school to tie our poppy wreaths onto the fence to mark our respect. We had a short silence to reflect on the bravery of our soldiers.


This week we have also learnt about Bonfire night celebrations, numbers 8 & 9, and read the story We're Going on a Leaf Hunt to compare and contrast with our text from last week, We're Going on a Bear Hunt.


Autumn 2

Week 1 Learning


This half term our unit is Let's Celebrate! To start this off we have been learning about the Hindu celebration of Diwali. We read and retold the story of Rama and Sita, made Diwa lamps with clay, and created our own Rangoli patterns. We have really enjoyed learning about other cultures and how they celebrate significant events.


We have really enjoyed reading our new text, We're Going On a Bear Hunt, and have taken many opportunities to retell the story in different ways. Whether that be through gross motor, our sound wall, small world, body percussion etc, we have become fully immersed in the text. Please see Class Dojo for some photos and videos of this!


Autumn 1

Our Learning Journey

Wow, what a great first Half Term we have had!

We are immensely proud of how our little ones have settled into EYFS, and are looking forward to continuing to explore our learning together throughout the rest of the academic year.

Attached is a picture of Our Learning Journey. This is just one of the many visual reminders of our learning that we have within our unit. We would really appreciate if you could take some time this Half Term break to ask your little person about this to remind them of their learning.

Thank you so much for your continued support over the past 7 weeks. We hope that you all have a lovely, restful break.

Autumn 1

Week 7 Learning

Today, as part of our learning about the seasons, we went on an Autumn walk! ๐Ÿ We walked all around school looking for signs of Autumn. We noticed the different colours of the leaves, listened to the birds singing, talked about how we had dressed for our walk and collected interesting things we found on the way. Back in EYFS, we put all our items into a tuff tray and explored what we had found. The children also enjoyed sitting on comfy beanbags and having discussions about pictures that represented autumn. We have had a wonderful afternoon! ๐Ÿ‚ ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ‚

Autumn 1

Week 6 Learning

In celebration of Black History Month, the children have been learning all about the story of Handa’s Suprise and the African-Caribbean culture related to the literature.

We talked about similarities and differences between life in Leyland and life in Handa’s village and then spent time in provision exploring some of the activities shown in the book. We painted pictures of the characters and their clothing, used African instruments to recreate Handa’s journey, learned how to create a sling to carry babies and attempted to balance bowls of fruit on our head just like Handa!

Autumn  1

Week 5 Learning

What a lot of rain we have had this week! As you can see our learning takes place in all weathers. When the storms settled down we were able to open up the outdoor section of our classroom to see what we could discover. Some children found mini beasts that had come out in the rain, others discovered how to make chalk paint, explore number, and create their own Autumn menu! โ˜”๏ธ๐ŸŒฆ๐ŸŒˆ



Autumn 1

Week 4 Learning

What another busy week we have had! We have been Number Detectives and explored the numbers 1 and 2; focused on team building and listening skills in our first PE lesson; spoke about our families and are differences; and had our school photographs!


This week our book has been The Three Billy Goats Gruff, and we have thoroughly enjoyed exploring this text in more detail. We had a special visitor in the Hot Seat; trip trapped along the bridges we built; recreated the sounds of the goat's hooves; and much more! Lots of children practiced thundering around the provision like the biggest Billy Goat Gruff, and enjoyed telling adults about our word of the day (thundered)!


Autumn 1

Week 3 Learning

We have had another busy week in Reception, and are really settling into life at "big school". As part of our All About Me unit, we have focused on how we have changed over the past few years and what we would like to do in the future. 


Here is an example of one of our lessons on past and present. First we helped each other find our baby photos. Then, we sat together and discussed how we have changed. Finally, we drew pictures of the jobs we would like in the future!

Autumn 1

Week 2 Learning

Each week this term we will be exploring a different traditional tale. This week we are reading ‘We The Three Little Pigs.’ The children have really enjoyed retelling the story through creative play and sharing their thoughts about the characters.

In Maths, we are exploring numbers and counting through songs. Today, Beech Class sang ‘ten green bottles’ and Ash Class sang ‘five little ducks.’ The children enjoyed using the resources to continue acting out the songs during Continuous Provision.

Autumn 1 

Week 1 Learning


Wow, what a busy first week we have had in Reception! We have been focusing on settling into school life by getting to know each other, learning how to use our areas safely and effectively, and have lots of opportunities to explore our learning.


Within our classes we have worked hard to create Our EYFS Promise. All of the ideas for this were suggested entirely by the children, and it definitely reflects our focuses within Reception. We are so pleased to hear our little people already reminding each other of this!

Our Ethos and Values Statement

Within Godโ€™s love for everyone, Our school family is committed to serve by:

- celebrating everyoneโ€™s unique God-given talents;

- giving the best of ourselves for all the world;

- doing all the good we can together.

  • Love
  • Serve
  • Celebrate
  • Together