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Leyland Methodist SchoolsA Federation of Leyland Methodist Infant and Junior Schools


Pine - Mr Rushton

Happy New Year

Year 5

Our Spring term is going to be action packed which is fitting as action and drama will be encompassing our English lessons as we explore the Storm Breaker narrative.

In STEM, we will be creating themed pillows as a spectacular souvenir to cure our tiredness. Children will be researching, designing, making prototypes and evaluating their own cushions.

In geography, we will be developing our local geographical knowledge and enhancing our map skills.

Throughout this academic year, we aim to provide your children with exciting and memorable learning opportunities which will enrich their school experience. We love to share our learning with Parents/Guardians, therefore, please ensure you are checking for regular updates on class DOJO and ‘Our Learning’ tab on our class page on the school website.



Important Information :


  • PE is on a Tuesday and Friday (Indoor) - For Spring, Tuesday’s PE slot will be swimming.
  • Please ensure that your child attends school in their correct PE kit (red PE jumper/white t-shirt/ black shorts/joggers/black trainers or pumps)
  • Homework will be provided weekly on a Tuesday and will need to be submitted by the following Monday. Spellings will be tested on the Monday.
  • Reading is a literary portal into an alternate dimension; therefore, 20 minutes of reading per night is recommended



If you have any questions, please contact me via Dojo or email.

Mr Rushton 






Our Ethos and Values Statement

Within God’s love for everyone, Our school family is committed to serve by:

- celebrating everyone’s unique God-given talents;

- giving the best of ourselves for all the world;

- doing all the good we can together.

  • Love
  • Serve
  • Celebrate
  • Together