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Leyland Methodist SchoolsA Federation of Leyland Methodist Infant and Junior Schools


Willow - Miss Frame

Welcome to Summer 2


Closing the year out with fun in the sun, let's see what wonderful learning opportunities are in store for your children. 


This half term we will be exploring a new History topic, answering the question; Why are some people considered to be significant? We will be conducting experiments in Science with a focus on plants and what they need to be healthy. You will find more information about these topics on the History and Science Knowledge Mat. In Art this half term, we will be focusing on creating collages, inspired by L.S Lowry. Year 2 will also be travelling to Liverpool to listen to a famous orchestra on Wednesday 14th June. 

Lastly, sports day will be held on Friday 14th July with more details to follow closer to the time. 


I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your patience and support throughout this year. Your children are all amazing in their own ways and I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching and getting them ready for KS2 - The next chapter. 







Important information:


PE is on Monday and Friday (Please can children wear their full PE kit to school - Friday will be outdoor, please wear suitable clothing. Clothing must be a white t-shirt, red jumper and black shorts or black/grey tracksuit bottoms);

Homework will be given out on at the start of each term and spellings every Tuesday. This will include Guided Reading/individual reader. Paper copies will be sent home at the start of each term.


Thank you, I look forward to a great term with your children. 




If you have any questions, please contact me via Dojo or email. 

Our Ethos and Values Statement

Within God’s love for everyone, Our school family is committed to serve by:

- celebrating everyone’s unique God-given talents;

- giving the best of ourselves for all the world;

- doing all the good we can together.

  • Love
  • Serve
  • Celebrate
  • Together