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Leyland Methodist SchoolsA Federation of Leyland Methodist Infant and Junior Schools


Home Learning Update 04/04/2020

4th April 2020


Dear Parents/Carers,


I’m hoping that this update finds you and your families well and coping under these unpredictable circumstances. 


With regard to home learning, I wanted to take the opportunity to clarify a couple of points ahead of class pages being re vamped next week.

Firstly, do what you can IF, or when you can. Some of you are still trying to hold down full time jobs with children at home. Speaking from firsthand experience I fully appreciate that it’s virtually impossible to carry out most work related tasks particularly ones that require concentration or 5 minutes peace! I mean this sincerely, do what you can. Parents are not teachers at home. Working or not, mental health and well being comes FIRST. The children’s and yours. If the weather is nice, learn in the garden. Investigate habitats, insects, plants, weather! TALK 😊


Teachers are working hard to ensure that there are directed learning tasks available on class web pages that will help you as parents and will help our children with key learning for their year group. They’ve done a fab job of giving as much explicit guidance as possible and if they’ve felt particularly brave, you may be treated to a few video tutorials via See Saw!


Try; 10 min bursts EYFS, 15 minute bursts Y1-3 then 20 mins Y4-6. Plenty of brain breaks in between! An hour a day is great 👍🏽 


Keep your eyes peeled on the ‘Parents’ section of the website where I’ll post other information if it becomes relevant.


If you want to and have the flexibility to give the children a two week Easter break then please do it! Learning will remain on the class pages week by week so you can go back to it at any point.

These are such testing and uncertain times and I’m sure we’re all craving a point in time where life can return to some sort of normality, but for now, please look after yourselves as well as the children.

Any concerns or questions, as always, please don’t hesitate to email me.


Take care and stay safe,

Miss Hollings.

Our Ethos and Values Statement

Within God’s love for everyone, Our school family is committed to serve by:

- celebrating everyone’s unique God-given talents;

- giving the best of ourselves for all the world;

- doing all the good we can together.

  • Love
  • Serve
  • Celebrate
  • Together