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Leyland Methodist SchoolsA Federation of Leyland Methodist Infant and Junior Schools


The Federation of Leyland Methodist Infant School and Leyland Methodist Junior School


The Federation of Leyland Methodist Infant School and Leyland Methodist Junior School


The Governing Boards of Leyland Methodist Infant and Juniors Schools agree to federate based on the following proposals.


We will jointly consider any responses to these proposals and will make a final decision on whether to proceed with the proposals as published.



Size of the  Governing Board

It is proposed that the governing board comprises the required number of governors, which will be a minimum of 11 but may also include co-opted governor positions.

Number of Governors for each category of Governors

1 Authority Governor

4 Foundation Governors

2 Parent Governors

1 Staff Governor

1 Ex-officio Governor -  Executive Headteacher

1 Ex-officio Governor – Minister for Leyland Methodist Church


It is intended that a number of co-opted positions will also be included particularly where certain expertise can be brought in to supplement the governing board’s skills.

Arrangements for staffing within the federation

All staff employed on 1st January 2020 will transfer into the Federation on that date.

Federation date

1st January 2020

Admissions authority for the schools within the federation

Lancashire County Council – admission arrangements will remain unchanged.

Other Information

Reason for federation:

To provide a stable and continuous learning experience for the children during their primary years.




Responding to the Proposals


You are welcome to make written representations regarding these proposals. Please send your comments by post to Leyland Methodist Schools, Canberra Road, Leyland PR25 3ET or by email to Marked ‘Federation Response’.


You should do this by Monday, 28th October 2019.




The Federation of Leyland Methodist Infant School and Leyland Methodist Junior School


The Governing Boards of Leyland Methodist Infant and Juniors Schools agree to federate based on the following proposals.


We will jointly consider any responses to these proposals and will make a final decision on whether to proceed with the proposals as published.



Size of the  Governing Board

It is proposed that the governing board comprises the required number of governors, which will be a minimum of 11 but may also include co-opted governor positions.

Number of Governors for each category of Governors

1 Authority Governor

4 Foundation Governors

2 Parent Governors

1 Staff Governor

1 Ex-officio Governor -  Executive Headteacher

1 Ex-officio Governor – Minister for Leyland Methodist Church


It is intended that a number of co-opted positions will also be included particularly where certain expertise can be brought in to supplement the governing board’s skills.

Arrangements for staffing within the federation

All staff employed on 1st January 2020 will transfer into the Federation on that date.

Federation date

1st January 2020

Admissions authority for the schools within the federation

Lancashire County Council – admission arrangements will remain unchanged.

Other Information

Reason for federation:

To provide a stable and continuous learning experience for the children during their primary years.




Responding to the Proposals


You are welcome to make written representations regarding these proposals. Please send your comments by post to Leyland Methodist Schools, Canberra Road, Leyland PR25 3ET or by email to Marked ‘Federation Response’.


You should do this by Monday, 28th October 2019.


Our Ethos and Values Statement

Within God’s love for everyone, Our school family is committed to serve by:

- celebrating everyone’s unique God-given talents;

- giving the best of ourselves for all the world;

- doing all the good we can together.

  • Love
  • Serve
  • Celebrate
  • Together